Tuesday, September 6, 2011


It is very confusing when you are told that your flabby tummy is actually an umbilical hernia and you must surgically repair it if you have any hope of getting your tummy back in shape.  Umbilical hernia's do happen but a hernia by definition means a tear in the connective tissue.  A tear is usually painful and definitely allows parts of your intestines to poke through.  It also makes your belly button push out in a weird fashion.  To definitively diagnose a hernia like this you need to have a CAT scan or MRI.  Often these tests cost several thousand dollars and are not always performed prior to surgery is recommended.

Unfortunately, many umbilical hernias are misdiagnosed diastasis recti.  With a diastasis, the connective tissue between your abdominals is stretched so thin that it provides no support for your organs or your belly button. Surgery in that case turns into a patch job, applying mesh and sewing muscles together.  Neither actually heal the stretched out tissue or rehabilitate the deflated core muscles that has resulted. 

In addition, to the cost, extreme measures and long recovery, the patient is often told they can return to all their previous activities after they heal, including crunches, running and any form of exercise.  This is so sad.  I have personally worked with 4 ladies this year alone who had surgery and the stitches did not hold and they slowly started to see their abdominal wall separate again.

So, get all the information.  There is a lot of information at www.thetummyteam.com about your options.  Most clients see a difference in the first few days and we have saved hundreds of ladies from surgery.  If nothing else, it will prepare your abdominals for a better recovery if you and your doctor still feel surgery is required.  It is a minimal risk, as the program is very inexpensive (especially when compared to surgery) and the program has a huge success rate. 

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