Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mom of 4- 20 weeks pregnant with baby number 5 and having early contractions.

 Current online client...

"I've had irritable uterus (IU) through all of my pregnancies and it's only in the last two that I have come to the point where I said, "enough is enough. There's got to be another answer to this irritable uterus thing that doctors have no explanation for." In my third pregnancy my contractions began at 7 weeks! I just dealt with it that whole pregnancy and tried my best to avoid situations that would trigger it (ie. a full bladder, seat belts, under the belly maternity pants, sitting for periods longer than a few minutes). Then, with my fourth I started having contractions around 9 weeks and they were not the kind I was used to in other pregnancies. They got intense at one point after a doctor had a student perform a PAP smear on me (even though he knew I had IU). After talking with my homebirth midwife I ended up going to a chiropractor that day and he told me about something called a buckled sacrum and he adjusted my tailbone as I stood up against a wall like I was being frisked by a police officer. It felt like he didn't do anything and I was skeptical. I went home and the contractions didn't come back for a couple days (which is unusual for me...I'm used to DAILY annoying contractions). He told me if they came back in the next few days to come back in and I did. He adjusted it again and they stayed away for a week! After that I went in weekly every Thursday to have my sacrum gently coaxed back into place. And I was contraction free. Then, this pregnancy I was shocked when I got to 15 weeks and still hadn't had a single contraction. I thought for sure it had something to do with the core work I had already done with fit2b. But then, in my 16th week they started up My core had reached its limit. After the first day of contractions I got really concerned because I had some spotting the next day, so I contacted Kelly. She spoke with me over Skype and I think we figured out that, for me, the biggest trigger of IU is my posture and alignment. I have a tendency to sit on my sacrum and that's what causes it to buckle. When the sacrum buckles, it tilts my uterus forward causing more pressure on my cervix and stresses the uterus out which causes contractions. So, by strengthening my core I've been able to keep from slumping into that habitual sitting on my tailbone that I do. I've also had to avoid siting in bed and on recliners. Very very bad for me. As long as I am sitting on my sits bones and my core is supporting me I don't get contractions. The only exception is if I let my bladder get too full. That still makes me have contractions. But they stop as soon as I go potty. And I try not to let it get to that anymore.

I'm new here but I'm actually doing week three of the prenatal rehab program online and am just now getting a moment to come over here and say hello. I have four little boys and am on my 5th baby (7th pregnancy) now and am already feeling and seeing huge success from the rehab and my skype session with Kelly. My core is getting stronger and my posture and alignment is so much improved. I am getting to the point where I can sit correctly unsupported for much longer now. Here is a post I put on my wall today....

Halfway there!!! 20 weeks pregnant with baby #5. Did some great work on my abdominals after baby #4 thanks to @fit2bstudio! Now, I have taken a short break from my fit2b membership for just 6 weeks while I am doing an actual prenatal abdominal rehab program through www.thetummyteam.com with physical therapist Kelly Dean. I've seen amazing changes in my core strength and I've worked on my alignment and am not having contractions anymore due to an irritable uterus (it's not irritated when it's locked in place where it should be). ‪#‎nomorecrunches‬ ‪#‎nomoremommytummy‬ ‪#‎youdontneedsurgery‬"


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