Monday, September 15, 2014

Why is there so little information about Diastasis Recti?

We get this question ALL THE TIME! Why did my doctor not know to check me for a diastasis? Why was I told by so many medical professionals that my tummy was "just what happens when you have a baby"? Why did my trainer have me doing so many exercises that were actually making my core weaker and back pain worse?  Why is there so little information out there on the truth about what is happening and real ways to fix your core?

I don't know why...but we are doing everything we can to change that.  Education is key.  Education not just for people suffering from diastasis but also for medical and fitness professionals.  We know what we know until we learn more and then we know more.  I never believe that professionals are trying to misguide or hurt their patients or clients.  We just have new information and we need to spread it.

I am super excited to partner with Beth Learn from online fitness studio.  Beth was a client of the Tummy Team and after restoring her core with us, she transformed her entire way of thinking about fitness.  Beth is now the leading voice on "Tummy Safe" Fitness around the world!  We send all of our online clients to her fitness program and recommend it to most of our clinic clients as well when they are ready to transition from rehab to fitness.

Bethany is not just leading the way in changing how we exercise at home, she is also passionate about spreading the word and creating a community of experts to help further educate EVERYONE on Diastasis Recti.   I am so blessed to be a part of this panel of "experts" on diastasis recti.  For only $24.95 you can get education by leading specialists in the field of core rehab and diastasis recti.  It is an amazing opportunity.  Simply click below to get more information!

Experts on Diastasis Recti Online Course

Help change the face of fitness and healthcare by understanding more about how healing your core can impact your entire life.  Education is the key.  Join us in helping spread this education.

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