Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Testimony- healing umbilical hernia in the midst of 4th pregnancy.

Below are the first 2 journal entries from an online Prenatal Core Training Tummy Team client... follow her story to watch how The Tummy Team program can make a difference even when pregnant.

First Journal Entry...

At 17 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby, I was already experiencing pain in my belly button from the umbilical hernia that had developed at the end of my 3rd pregnancy about 18 months before.  I had just been dealing with it.  But once my belly started growing, I realized the possibility that it would only get worse with this next pregnancy.  I knew I had to do something! I started researching like crazy.  I knew I definitely didn't want surgery which is what all the "conventional" treatments recommend.  There had to be another way.  

Then I happened upon thetummyteam.com after reading about posture and alignment at katysays.com and fit2b.us.  Finally, a hopeful solution!  When I checked, I found out that I have a diastasis of about 4.5 fingers at my navel.  I started incorporating whatever I could glean from reading through their websites.  I stopped doing the exercises that I found out were making my problems worse.  I started trying to activate my core as best as I could.  I even borrowed a belly splint from my mom that she had used after a major abdominal surgery ( it looked similar to the 4 panel splints at The Tummy Team).  I wore the splint for a few hours 2 days a week and realized that I do not know how to activate my transverse muslce very well at all and that I do need more help.  I'm looking forward to starting the Prenatal Core Program and seeing if somehow my diastase can be lessened even before my pregnancy is over.  Even if it just doesn't get any worse, it will be worth it.

Second Journal Entry...

I'm just beginning week 3 in the Prenatal Core Rehab program and I am excited about moving into the standing exercises.  It will be much easier for me to incorporate them into my day since I am on my feet all day taking care of 3 kids under 5!  I have mostly been doing the transverse holds standing already anyway.  At this point I am 25 weeks pregnant.  The pain I was experiencing in my belly button (from an umbilical hernia) has reduced tremendously.  I find myself pushing on my belly button out of habit, but finding much less to push back in which is awesome!  Also, I have noticed less leaking when I cough, etc.  Honestly, if I think about it, I'm not sure my belly button is hurting anymore at all... If so, it is rare, which is incredible since two months ago when my belly was first really starting to grow, I was having considerable pain which is what sent me on this journey of research to find a solution.  I knew if I was hurting already at that point, and had much more growing to do, my hernia could likely get much worse!  Thank God I found The Tummy Team!  It is helping already and has relieved me of any anxiety about getting worse throughout this 4th pregnancy.  I may even be better off in the end than I was at the beginning, we'll see!

Stay posted for her next journal entry....

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