Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Story- Heather, mom of 2.

  My diastasis story goes back to my pregnancy with my first born son. When I am pregnant, I carry the baby straight out in front. My husband would often comment about not being able to tell that I was pregnant until I turned around and you could clearly see my humungous belly. I'm pretty sure I could get some small objects to orbit around me towards the end of the pregnancy.  I ended up getting a Modella maternity belt to help hold the belly up. After I recovered from my first c-section, I began doing sit ups to strengthen my abs and noticed that my belly protruded up in a football shape. At one point, my husband poked it down with his hand, but it popped right back up when he lifted his hand.  I had no control over the middle of my belly.  A few months later, I noticed that my abs were firm along the sides of my belly, but the middle was still flabby and soft.  A friend told me to do more sit ups to strengthen my belly. At that point, I was currently doing a work out video that had me doing 100 pushups and 100 sit ups.
  When my son was 1 1/2, I became pregnant again and grew just as big as I did with the first one.  The maternity belts in the department stores were not helping me at all with the pain and weight of carrying straight out in front, so my OB/GYN wrote a prescription for a medical grade maternity belt that I picked up from Sante Mama in Vancouver, Washington. While I was purchasing the belt, I noticed a pamphlet for the Tummy Team, took it home, and began reading about diastasis.  I realized that I probably had one ever since I was pregnant with my first child.  I asked my OB/GYN about it after I had my second child and she checked me and said that if I had one it was at most a 2 finger split and that the only way to fix it was with surgery and no surgeon would work with me until I was done having babies. For almost a year, I stopped doing sit ups, but still had a pooch and was constantly asked if I was pregnant. At one point a well intended lady said, "Oh you poor dear! Look what those babies did to your belly!"
  In the fall of 2011, I went to a free tummy check that the Tummy Team offered and found out that I had a deep 6 finger wide split.  It was encouraging to find out what was wrong with me and also disappointing to see how wrecked my body was.  I attended a 6 week Tummy Team session in the winter of 2012 and went from a deep 6 finger wide to a deep 4 finger wide split.  I "feel off the bandwagon" after the class ended and didn't do the daily exercises, but I still didn't do sit ups, jerk myself out of bed, and braced my tummy whenever I picked up my sons.  A few months later, my husband and I started talking about trying to have another baby, which motivated me to get back to healing my diastasis. I joined Fit2Be studios, which has immensely helped me to not get bored with tummy safe exercises. Now, my split seems to be flirting with the medium 2 finger wide mark (although I might not be measuring correctly. I think I am though).  I still have a ways to go, but I haven't gotten the awkward "When are you due" question in a long time.

Heather- mom of 2.

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