Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Story- Emily mother of 2~

My only regret with The Tummy Team is that I didn't go sooner.  Kelly seriously changed my life.  Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of what a blessing my three sessions were and how I will never be the same.  I'm continually recommending it to friends when they complain about back pain, a floppy tummy or elimination problems.

After two children (both C-sections, one emergency at just under 28 weeks and one planned at 39 weeks), my tummy had a bulge that just wouldn't go away.  Two years later, having taken up running for the first time in my life and doing Weight Watchers, I still couldn't get my tummy to firm up.  A friend told me about The Tummy Team when my youngest was about a year old and I just wish I had gone in right then instead of waiting.

In my first appointment, not only did Kelly teach me fabulous exercises that allowed me to engaged all of my abdominal muscles (including my transverse, which I didn't even realize I had no clue how to engage), but she also explained (TMI warning) how to properly have a bowel movement.

For years I have struggled with constipation no matter my diet and spent a lot of time pushing as a result.  I also had recurring back pain for the constipation that pain medication couldn't help.  Using the method and position Kelly recommends, I have been able to keep my back pain mostly at bay and find quick relief when the pain does resurface.

Although I still have extra weight to lose around my mid-section, I can now feel the lines of my abs underneath that have curves like you see on super-toned exercise instructors, all without a single crunch.

And as if that weren't enough, Kelly also gave me the skills and proper positioning I needed to correct my poor posture, which has been poor since my early teen years when I developed early than my peers and hunched to not look like I was flaunting my chest.  I tried unsuccessfully in high school to get better posture with the help of a physical was simply too uncomfortable to do what she was asking.  But Kelly enables correct postural alignment in correct timing with abdominal control so as to make the change without major pain.

Over the course of my three appointments, I saw changes I never would have dreamed were possible.  To top it off, Kelly is such a sweet, warm and loving woman whose care for others shines as she shares her amazing wisdom.  Even though I felt like I had the tools I needed to be successful as I finished, I was sad to not get to see Kelly every other week anymore.  She's truly one of a kind!

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