Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Story~ Sarah, mom of 5 month old.

From Tummy Team client~

I first heard about The Tummy Team through my naturopath. I had been complaining about a sudden "pooch" despite the hundreds of sit ups and a paleo diet. She encouraged me to check it out. I lollygagged for a while, but then I got pregnant and she REALLY encouraged me to look into taking a class...and I am so glad I did! 

I took the prenatal course starting when I was about 12 weeks pregnant. I was by far the earliest along in my pregnancy, but was thrilled that I had a months to strengthen my core and to "practice pushing". I committed to doing my sets; my husband even joined me (he was sore after the first day!). I can't speak highly enough of how instrumental this class during my labor. Despite my wishes to have a natural birth, I opted to have an epidural after 22 hours of hard labor with no progression. Despite the epidural and not being able to feel where to push, my muscles retained the memory from my practice. I knew exactly how to push which is a great feeling for a first timer.

I've continued my exercises post labor (though not as frequent as I should) and I had a relatively flat stomach a mere 4 days after birth...it was pretty incredible. 

I highly recommend the The Tummy Team!


Sarah, mom of 5 month old baby boy

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