Thursday, February 28, 2013

Maria~ mother of 3 and physician

I attended a Tummy Team workshop after my second child was born and it was the best thing I’ve done for myself in years! Here’s my story:

I am a 31 year-old physician and a mother of 3. I have always been an athlete. I prided myself on being athletic despite being pregnant or breastfeeding, or having young children, and I’ve considered core strength to be foundational for balance, strength, and energy. After my second child was born, I had a deep diastasis with weakened abdominal muscles, and it affected every aspect of my athletics. I worked really hard to get my tummy back “in shape” but the yoga, Pilates, crunches, etc. didn’t help at all. I was frustrated, discouraged and lacking self-confidence when I heard of the Tummy Team program. I wanted a third child, but I was afraid of ruining my body (you give up so much for motherhood, but I didn’t want to sacrifice everything!). 

I’ll be honest that I was pretty skeptical after the first Tummy Team session – the program was so simple, I wasn’t sure it would work for me. But I gave it a shot, and I was thrilled with the results. I regained my core strength back and remembered how to use my  body safely. I was shocked how quickly I was back to a quality work-out routine (with small modifications for my healing tummy). 

My third child was born about a year after I started the Tummy Team program (she’s 4 months old now), and the recovery after having that third baby was so much easier than it had been after the first 2 (although the labor and delivery hadn’t been much different, and I’d actually been less active during my last pregnancy). I know that the difference in recovery was because of the lessons I’d learned from the Tummy Team. I have incorporated subtle changes into my everyday life to be able to stay strong, healthy and active. I am so grateful for the Tummy Team, and I strongly recommend anyone who is battling their core muscles to sign up for a session – it is simple, easy to do, and best of all, it works! Your tummy will thank you!!

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